How to prepare the brotula

Brotula or Mastella in Potatoes and Ginger Crust Ingredients:

  • For 4 people:
  • 4 fillets of Brotula or Mostella
  • 5 or 6 medium potatoes
  • garlic and Mediterranean herbs to taste
  • a handful of chopped olives without stone
  • fresh root ginger, 2 cm in length

Boil the potatoes until cooked but not completely soft; when they cool down - peel and slice thinly. Don't worry too much if some slices fall apart - any consistency is fine for the potato crust.

Brush an oven baking dish with a little olive oil (use a dish with high sides), sprinkle with chopped herbs and cover with potatoes. Arrange the fish fillets on top, add salt add chopped herbs, grated ginger, chopped olives and extra virgin olive oil.Cover the entire surface with the remaining potatoes. Cook in a preheated oven at 200 degrees for 20 minutes. Serve hot.

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